A downloadable game

RetroTime for vircon32 is a game containing 8 retro based games playable in 3 game modes being Retro Carousel, Time Attack and Lives mode. The game is a port from the Playdate version which was a port from the SDL2 version from my competition entry for Fuze 4 for Nintendo switch, in collaboration with Wireframe magazine.

Game Modes

The games can be played in 3 game modes

Retro Carousel Mode

In Retro Carousel mode you will play all games for 2 minutes after each other. You can not die by losing lives. Points will be deducted from the score when dying. The aim is to get the highest score, accumulated over all the games.

Lives Mode

In Lives mode you play a single game and start with a fixed amount of lives. Dying will lose you one live. The game is over if the lives reaches 0. The aim of the game is to get the highest score possible without dying.

Time Attack

In Time Attack mode you play a single game for 5 minutes. You can not die by losing lives. Points will be deducted from the score when dying. The aim is to get the highest score during these 5 minutes of playing.


There are 8 retro based games implemented in this game


Invaders is a game based on Space Invaders (Arcade). Rows of enemies are closing in you. You have to shoot them down before they reach your mining asteroids. Shooting down enemies gains points, shooting down all enemies gains extra points. You can move with dpad of left joystick and shoot with (A). If enemies reach your mining asteroids you will lose a life. Avoid being shot or you will also lose a life.

Brick Breaker

Brick Breaker is a game based on Breakout (Arcade). Rows of blocks have to be destroyed by touching them with the ball. You control the paddle at the bottom of the screen with the dpad. Keeping (A) pressed speeds up the paddle. You have to let the ball bounce of your paddle to send it back in the playfield. Destroying blocks gains points. Fail to bounce back the ball and you lose a life.


Toady is a game based on Frogger (Arcade). You control the pet by the dpad and you have to keep moving up. Each time you move up to a place you had not reached yet, you will gain points. Avoid getting hit by traffic, don't fall into water, don't exceed the edges of the playfield or you will lose a life. Collect different fruits to gain extra score.


Snakey is a game based on well snake (Nokia 3310). You control a snake's head (red block) by the dpad. The snake can move in four directions and wants food (green blocks). Each time you eat food the snake's body will grow. Eat food to gain points, the longer your snake is to more points you will gain. Touching the snake's body or going outside the playfield will lose you a life.

Bubble Buster

Bubble Buster is a game based on Pang (Arcade). You control a player that needs to pop bubbles. You can control the player using the dpad and shoot at bubbles using (A) button. If you hit a bubble it will split up into smaller bubbles and you gain points. Get hit by a bubble and you will lose a life, making you temporary invincible but you can not shoot during this time. Clearing all bubbles gives you extra points.

Block Stacker

Block Stacker is a game of tetris. You control the blocks with the dpad. You need to stack them in such a manner that they form complete rows. Once this is done that row will be removed. Speed increases gradually and having no place at the top to place a block will lose you a life. You can rotate blocks using (A) and drop them fast using (X).

Color Invasion

Color Invasion is a game based on Ram-It (Atari 2600). You control the cannon with the dpad. You need to shoot the invading colored bars completely of the screen using (A). Points are awarded when the color bar is completely of the screen, the closer a bar had gotten to the cannon the more points you will gain. You also gain extra points for clearing all bars from the screen. When a colored bar reaches the cannon rail you will lose a life.

Faster Dave

Faster Dave is a game based on Fast Eddie (Atari 2600). You control Dave with the dpad. You need to avoid or jump over enemies with the (A) button while collecting the magic balls. When you collect 9 balls the end level key is reachable. You are safe on ladders. Points are received for collecting magic balls and getting the end level key. Collecting the 10th magic ball is not required. When you touch an enemy you will a lose life. Every 5 levels, level layout changes.


D-Pad Directional movement of the player, making selections in the menu's
A button Confirming in menus, the main game action
X button Secondary game action (only used in block stacker to drop a block fast)
B Back in menus, Pause Menu ingame


The game makes uses of multiple payed and free assets packs, below are the credits for them per game.

Warning The Project's code is MIT but the assets are not, they all use different licenses, some are free some are Creative Commons and some i even payed for and can only be used with my project. so you can not re-use those as you wish.

Main Game User interface

AssetAsset PackLicense
Music.wav Created and Owned by me on Strofe
back.wav Game Music Stingers And UI SFX Pack 2 by wowsounds Gamedev market pro-licence
confirm.wav Game Music Stingers And UI SFX Pack 2 by wowsounds Gamedev market pro-licence
select.wav Game Music Stingers And UI SFX Pack 2 by wowsounds Gamedev market pro-licence
score.wav 8-bit Action Music & SFX by Joel Steudler HUMBLE SOFTWARE BUNDLE: FRESH START GAME DEV ASSETS BUNDLE License - if you own the bundle
medal.png Kenney medals Creative Commons CC0
frame.png Hazy Hills Battle Background ansimuz Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International

Shared between games

AssetAsset PackLicense
die.wav 8-bit Action Music & SFX by Joel Steudler HUMBLE SOFTWARE BUNDLE: FRESH START GAME DEV ASSETS BUNDLE License - if you own the bundle
coin.wav 8-bit Action Music & SFX by Joel Steudler HUMBLE SOFTWARE BUNDLE: FRESH START GAME DEV ASSETS BUNDLE License - if you own the bundle
succes.wav 8-bit Action Music & SFX by Joel Steudler HUMBLE SOFTWARE BUNDLE: FRESH START GAME DEV ASSETS BUNDLE License - if you own the bundle
one.wav My own recorded voice with a robot filter Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International
oneminute.wav My own recorded voice with a robot filter Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International
readygo.wav My own recorded voice with a robot filter Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International
three.wav My own recorded voice with a robot filter Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International
timeover.wav My own recorded voice with a robot filter Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International
two.wav My own recorded voice with a robot filter Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International

Block Stacker

AssetAsset PackLicense
Music.wav Created and Owned by me on Strofe
rotate.wav Game Music Stingers And UI SFX Pack 2 by wowsounds Gamedev market pro-licence
drop.wav Pro Sound Collection by gamemasteraudio Gamedev market pro-licence
lineclear.wav 8-bit Action Music & SFX by Joel Steudler HUMBLE SOFTWARE BUNDLE: FRESH START GAME DEV ASSETS BUNDLE License - if you own the bundle
background.png Cyberpunk Street Environment by ansimuz CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)

Brick Breaker

AssetAsset PackLicense
Music.wav Created and Owned by me on Strofe
bat.wav Pro Sound Collection by gamemasteraudio Gamedev market pro-licence
brick.wav VS-01-Cowbell004.wav from Gijs De Mik Free to use
ball.png Basic breakout asset pack created by me (joyrider3774) Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
blocks.png Basic breakout asset pack created by me (joyrider3774) Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
paddle.png Basic breakout asset pack created by me (joyrider3774) Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Faster Dave

AssetAsset PackLicense
Music.wav Created and Owned by me on Strofe
Jump.wav VS-01-Cowbell004.wav from Gijs De Mik Free to use
background.png Pixel Art Snowy Forest by edermunizz Gamedev market pro-licence
ladder.png Pixel Art Snowy Forest by edermunizz Gamedev market pro-licence
floortileset.png Pixel Art Snowy Forest by edermunizz Gamedev market pro-licence
key.png 2D Painterly Tiles by Ravenmore Gamedev market pro-licence
Character_character_climb.png 2D Painterly Tiles by Ravenmore Gamedev market pro-licence
Character_character_idle.png 2D Painterly Tiles by Ravenmore Gamedev market pro-licence
Character_character_jump_up.png 2D Painterly Tiles by Ravenmore Gamedev market pro-licence
Character_character_run.png 2D Painterly Tiles by Ravenmore Gamedev market pro-licence
enemy.png PIPOYA FREE RPG Character Sprites 32x32 by Pipoya (Enemy 15-3.png) free For commercial or personal use

Bubble Buster

AssetAsset PackLicense
Music.wav Created and Owned by me on Strofe
shoot.wav Medieval Fantasy SFX Pack by evil mind entertainment Gamedev market pro-licence
ball.png Created and Owned by me Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International
character.png Master of the Wind Character Sprites by finalbossblues No Commercial use, assets are based on another games assets for which approvement to redistribute these was gotten
background.png country side platfformer by ansimuz CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
weapon.png effect parts by pipoya free to use

Color Invasion

AssetAsset PackLicense
Music.wav Created and Owned by me on Strofe
hit.wav Game Music Stingers And UI SFX Pack 2 by wowsounds Gamedev market pro-licence
shoot.wav Pro Sound Collection by gamemasteraudio Gamedev market pro-licence
background.png Created by Vircon32 author using "cluster of stars" photo by Kai Pilger Pexels license - free to use


AssetAsset PackLicense
Music.wav Created and Owned by me on Strofe
food.wav Pro Sound Collection by gamemasteraudio Gamedev market pro-licence
background.png Created by Vircon32 author using "rattlesnake on ground" photo by Uriel Venegas [Pexels license - free to use]


AssetAsset PackLicense
Music.wav Created and Owned by me on Strofe
enemydeath.wav Game Music Stingers And UI SFX Pack 2 by wowsound Gamedev market pro-licence
playerdeath.wav Game Music Stingers And UI SFX Pack 2 by wowsound Gamedev market pro-licence
enemyshoot.wav retro_laser_gun_shoot_37 modified tempo from Pro Sound Collection by gamemasteraudio Gamedev market pro-licence
playershoot.wav retro_laser_gun_shoot_37 modified tempo from Pro Sound Collection by gamemasteraudio Gamedev market pro-licence
background.png Patreon's Top Down Collection by ansimuz free in your personal or commercial projects
background.png Space Background by ansimuz free in your personal or commercial projects
bullet.png Patreon's Top Down Collection by ansimuz free in your personal or commercial projects
enemy1.png Patreon's Top Down Collection by ansimuz free in your personal or commercial projects
enemy2.png Patreon's Top Down Collection by ansimuz free in your personal or commercial projects
enemy3.png Patreon's Top Down Collection by ansimuz free in your personal or commercial projects
explosion.png Patreon's Top Down Collection by ansimuz free in your personal or commercial projects
player.png Patreon's Top Down Collection by ansimuz free in your personal or commercial projects
background.png Space Background by ansimuz free in your personal or commercial projects


AssetAsset PackLicense
Music.wav Created and Owned by me on Strofe
move.wav game music stingers and ui sfx pack 2 Gamedev market pro-licence
food.wav Pro Sound Collection by gamemasteraudio Gamedev market pro-licence
background Bonus pictures by pipoya free to use
carblue.png isometric vehicles by kenny Creative Commons CC0
police.png isometric vehicles by kenny Creative Commons CC0
taxi.png isometric vehicles by kenny Creative Commons CC0
garbagetruck.png isometric vehicls by kenny Creative Commons CC0
ambulance.png isometric vehicles by kenny Creative Commons CC0
player.png Tyler Warren RPG Battlers – 7th 50 - Time Fantasy Tribute HUMBLE SOFTWARE BUNDLE: FRESH START GAME DEV ASSETS BUNDLE License - if you own the bundle
waterplant.png Open RPG Fantasy Tilesets by finalbossblue CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
apple.png Small Fruit Assets 16x16 by dantepixels @pixelahead free in your personal or commercial projects
cherry.png Small Fruit Assets 16x16 by dantepixels @pixelahead free in your personal or commercial projects
lemon.png Small Fruit Assets 16x16 by dantepixels @pixelahead free in your personal or commercial projects
watergrass.png Created and Owned by me Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International


Retrotime.v32 211 MB

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